Edouard Panteleimonovich Efanov was born in 1938 in the countryside village of Khrenovoye under Bobrov (a small town in the Voronezh Region). Growing up, he was greatly impressed by the beauty of constantly changing nature. This early observation is probably one reason why he is primarily a landscape painter today. From his childhood he has possessed a subtle sense of beauty. Efanov has lived all of his life in the Voronezh Region, mostly in Ramon, a town twenty miles from Voronezh. In 1953, he entered the art college in Elets. His teacher there was V. Sorokin, a known master of poetical landscape. After returning from his service in the Soviet Army in 1961, Efanov settled in Ramon. His first exhibition there was a success and opened doors for him. One of his paintings, “Drifting Ice”, was exhibited in regional, zonal, and republican level shows. Efanov does not strive for external effects in painting. The charm of his works lies in light airiness, in subtleness of color combinations, and a blending of classical Russian emotion and landscape painting that distinguish his work from all others. A man of broad interests, Efanov has worked as an instructor with the local Cultural Committee, has acted in the Peoples’ Theater, and has published poetry in the local newspaper.


Dyakov, Yuri Petrovich


Efmenov, Anatoli